System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace.

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abusefilter-exception-notenoughargs (Talk)Not enough arguments to function $2 called at character $1. Expected $3 {{PLURAL:$3|argument|arguments}}, got $4
abusefilter-exception-notlist (Talk)Requesting array item of non-array at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-outofbounds (Talk)Requesting non-existent list item $2 (list size = $3) at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-overridebuiltin (Talk)Illegal overriding of built-in variable "$2" at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-regexfailure (Talk)Error in regular expression "$3" at character $1: "$2"
abusefilter-exception-unclosedstring (Talk)Unclosed string starting at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unexpectedatend (Talk)Unexpected "$2" at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unexpectedtoken (Talk)Unexpected token "$3" (of type $2) at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unrecognisedkeyword (Talk)Unrecognised keyword $2 at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unrecognisedtoken (Talk)Unrecognised token "$2" at character $1.
abusefilter-exception-unrecognisedvar (Talk)Unrecognised variable $2 at character $1
abusefilter-filter-log (Talk)Recent filter changes
abusefilter-hidden (Talk)Private
abusefilter-history (Talk)Change history for Abuse Filter #$1
abusefilter-history-actions (Talk)Actions
abusefilter-history-backedit (Talk)Back to filter editor
abusefilter-history-comments (Talk)Comments
abusefilter-history-deleted (Talk)Deleted
abusefilter-history-diff (Talk)Changes
abusefilter-history-enabled (Talk)Enabled
abusefilter-history-error-hidden (Talk)The filter you requested is hidden, and you cannot view its history.
abusefilter-history-filter (Talk)Filter rule
abusefilter-history-filterid (Talk)Filter
abusefilter-history-flags (Talk)Flags
abusefilter-history-foruser (Talk)Changes by $1
abusefilter-history-global (Talk)Global
abusefilter-history-hidden (Talk)Hidden
abusefilter-history-public (Talk)Public filter description
abusefilter-history-select-legend (Talk)Refine search
abusefilter-history-select-submit (Talk)Refine
abusefilter-history-select-user (Talk)User:
abusefilter-history-timestamp (Talk)Time
abusefilter-history-user (Talk)User
abusefilter-hitcount (Talk)$1 {{PLURAL:$1|hit|hits}}
abusefilter-import-intro (Talk)You can use this interface to import filters from other wikis. On the source wiki, click "{{int:abusefilter-edit-export}}" under "{{int:abusefilter-tools-subtitle}}" on the editing interface. Copy from the textbox that appears, and paste it into this textbox, then click "{{int:abusefilter-import-submit}}".
abusefilter-import-submit (Talk)Import data
abusefilter-intro (Talk)Welcome to the Abuse Filter management interface. The Abuse Filter is an automated software mechanism of applying automatic heuristics to all actions. This interface shows a list of defined filters, and allows them to be modified.
abusefilter-list (Talk)All filters
abusefilter-list-consequences (Talk)Consequences
abusefilter-list-details (Talk)Details
abusefilter-list-edit (Talk)Edit
abusefilter-list-hitcount (Talk)Hit count
abusefilter-list-id (Talk)Filter ID
abusefilter-list-lastmodified (Talk)Last modified
abusefilter-list-limit (Talk)Number per page:
abusefilter-list-options (Talk)Options
abusefilter-list-options-deleted (Talk)Deleted filters:
abusefilter-list-options-deleted-hide (Talk)Hide deleted filters
abusefilter-list-options-deleted-only (Talk)Show only deleted filters
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