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Created a buildtest script to generate build logs. Tests for build breakage and fresh errors/warnings, and does static code analysis.

Things I'd like to add:

  • splint
  • gcov
  • coverity / purify
  • automatic stack size analysis

Also need to make the first step "copy this git repo to local storage" -- that way I can run this testing on more than one system at a time, and continue to develop.

Remove "Proceeding to next patch..." message

Add time stamp on the start of each run.

Perhaps, during post analysis, sort the logs before diffing them? Tried that -- it separates the source file names from the errors. Would be tres confusing.

I think we can create a "diff -u" output for each patch as it is being built. That would make it easy to generate the set of pairs that we're interested in.

Keep everything in /u/cel, even the build logs. And use a numeric date code instead of -$$ for naming the log directories.

I ran buildtest overnight, so I thought. The second "push" failed because somehow some random include file got deleted, and stgit thought the working directory was modified. Not sure where that file went -- the rsync worked without error, then a refresh and a pop all was done with incident.

Question is, how do I check for, report, and avoid such errors?

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