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Project: fedfs-utils

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Frequently used git recipes

Creating a new repository on git.linux-nfs.org

Log into linux-nfs.org, and set up the new repo

 $ cd exports
 $ git init --bare fedfs-releases.git
 $ touch fedfs-releases.git/git-daemon-export-ok
 $ vim fedfs-releases.git/description

Create symlink so gitweb can find the new rep

 $ cd /var/cache/git/cel
 $ ln -s /home/cel/exports/fedfs-releases.git

Cutting a major release of fedfs-utils

 $ stg branch master
 $ git clean -d -f -x
 $ git status
 $ git tag --sign fedfs-utils-0.8.0
 $ stg branch -c 0.8-stable
 $ stg branch --description="Blah" 0.8-stable
 $ git gc --aggressive
 $ git push --tags origin fedfs-utils-0.8.0
 $ git push origin 0.8-stable
 $ git push origin master
 $ stg rebase fedfs-utils-0.8.0
 $ stg delete ...

Check the gitweb repo to see that all went to plan. Then:

 $ sh ./autogen.sh ; ./configure --enable-silent-rules
 $ make distcheck

Push the tarball to the fedfs-releases repository

 $ cp fedfs-utils-0.8.0.tar.gz ../fedfs-releases
 $ cd ../fedfs-releases
 $ git add fedfs-utils-0.8.0.tar.gz
 $ git commit -m "Add fedfs-utils-0.8.0.tar.gz"
 $ git tag --sign fedfs-utils-0.8.0
 $ git gc --aggressive
 $ git push --tags origin fedfs-utils-0.8.0
 $ git push origin master

Update patchwork.

Update the installation guide for this release.

Post a GPG-signed announcement on fedfs-utils-announce@oss.oracle.com ; include links to the tarball, git, and patchwork.

Cutting a release of fedfs-utils stable

 $ stg branch 0.7-stable
 $ git clean -d -f -x
 $ git status
 $ git tag --sign fedfs-utils-0.7.2
 $ git gc --aggressive
 $ git push --tags origin fedfs-utils-0.7.2
 $ git push origin 0.7-stable
 $ stg rebase fedfs-utils-0.7.2
 $ stg delete ....

Check the gitweb repo to see that all went to plan. Then:

 $ sh ./autogen.sh ; ./configure --enable-silent-rules
 $ make distcheck

Push the tarball to the fedfs-releases repository

 $ cp fedfs-utils-0.7.2.tar.gz ../fedfs-releases
 $ cd ../fedfs-releases
 $ git add fedfs-utils-0.7.2.tar.gz
 $ git commit -m "Add fedfs-utils-0.7.2.tar.gz"
 $ git tag --sign fedfs-utils-0.7.2
 $ git gc --aggressive
 $ git push --tags origin fedfs-utils-0.7.2
 $ git push origin master

Update patchwork.

Post a committed message to fedfs-utils-devel@oss.oracle.com . Post a GPG-signed announcement on fedfs-utils-announce@oss.oracle.com . Include links to the tarball, git, and patchwork.

Pushing a set of patches to master

 $ stg branch 0.7-stable
 $ stg pop -a
 $ stg branch 0.8-stable
 $ stg pop -a
 $ stg branch master
 $ git clean -d -f -x
 $ git status
 $ git gc
 $ git push -f origin

Finally, merge patches back into my local repo with:

 $ stg pop -a
 $ git pull
 $ stg push -m; stg push -m; stg push -m ...

Update patchwork.

Post a "Committed…" message. Back local repository up to bazille.

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